Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sustainable Marathon

This marathon below is one of the most sustainable marathons in the United States.  It has a huge recycling program and single stream recycling.  The food that is served here is organic and their merchandise is made out of bamboo.  It has a massive 40-person water bubbler, which decreases the amount of water bottles drastically.  Furthermore, they collect used athletic shoes that will be used to make athletic tracks and playgrounds all over the US.  Additionally, the ING Hartford Marathon promotes greening activities. 

I believe this is a great program that makes sustainability its number 1 priority.  All the ideas that it implements help make the environment greener.  Marathons like these should be implemented in cities and schools.  These events will help people understand that it is possible to be eco-friendly in athletic events. 


  1. Interesting! Wonder what the economic impact has been and what it took to put these changes in place?

    1. The environment is becoming less polluted and safer after following the guidelines of this marathon. It seems like it was not easy implementing all these changes, but now that they are fulfilled, nature will pay a smaller toll. It looks like it was costly building the 40-person water bubbler, but down the road it will pay itself back to the owners and the environment. Fewer water bottles will be purchased which will decrease the amount of plastic that is put into the earth. Their merchandise is made out of bamboo and their food is organic so this allows for economic growth in the food and apparel departments. Everything is challenging at first but the more time you put into a cause, the greater and more positive the outcome will be.
